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Friday, October 5, 2007

Distrito a free man soon

by Ronnie Nathanielsz
Manila Standard
October 5, 2007

Former basketball superstar Rudy Distrito may be freed from prison, soon.

That’s according to his lawyer Dan Silverstein, who studied the parole documents given to Distrito regarding his impending parole.

Distrito is serving a six-year prison term at the Nevada State Prison after he pleaded to manslaughter in the death of Mexican Juan Amaya, who died of knife wounds following a struggle with the Filipino at an apartment complex in Las Vegas nearly three years ago.

Silverstein, who studied the parole documents provided Distrito by the Parole and Probation Board, said that “it appears to me from that document that the board unanimously agreed to grant Rudy parole. This is great news.”

Silverstein said that Distrito is “most likely going to be deported back to the Philippines but that would be up to the federal government and is pretty much out of our hands at this point.”

Former Country Fair team manager in the Philippine Basketball Association, Rufino Ignacio, who has been a tower of strength, along with Silverstein and former basketball colleagues, led by Abe King, who is chairman of the PBA Legends Foundation in the United States, said he was hoping that the federal government may change its mind about deporting Distrito, since he “really has been good in prison” and is determined to behave well when he is released.

Silverstein noted that Distrito’s release plan, which has to be submitted to the parole body, is to stay with his relatives in California, where he has “lots of family and friends and is where he plans to stay and work.”

The Parole and Probation Board made it clear that Distrito would not be released to the community, until “any proposed release plans are investigated and approved by the Parole and Probation.”


Anonymous said...

good news indeed, and i hope rudy learned his lessons well. can't wait to see or at least hear that rudy is finally free!

PBA Addict said...

rudy: please stay away from trouble!

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